Empowering Youth from Europe
A project to potentiate young people skills and empowerment, including young people with fewer opportunities, as promoters of social change
We live in an increasingly globalized society, focused on multiculturalism and equality. However, its challenge is to accept diversity and promote inclusion in a social reality that has lost its most essential values.
In the context of this social and values crisis, it is necessary to empower young people as agents of change in today’s society. Young people will be able to exercise their autonomy through empowerment: promoting their personal and professional skills and competences development; recognizing their rights and abilities; building up their criteria; educating in the fundamental values of society; promoting their inter-culturality; and facilitating their social participation and their responsible, active and committed implication with the social reality.
A total of 24 youth workers that work with young people between 13-30 years old, many of the with fewer opportunities due to economic and social matters, cultural difficulties and educative limitations, participate on this project: 8 from SPKK (Poland), 8 from FDV (Spain) and 8 from PRODES (Lebanon).
More than 60 young people will be the beneficiaries of this Project.
The EMPOWERING YOUTH FROM EUROPE project addresses a need that affects European and global levels: improving the quality of work in the field of youth, in Europe and beyond, to potentiate young people skills and empowerment, including young people with fewer opportunities, as promoters of social change.
Specific objectives:
- Encourage the development of the capacities of workers in the field of youth.
- Improve the quality of work of the three partner entities.
- Promote diversity and intercultural dialogue.
- Promote the personal and professional training of young people.
- Strengthen the development of the fundamental values of society.
- Promote and enhance the active participation of young people in society.
- Develop effective methods that reach the most vulnerable young people with fewer opportunities.
The mission and goal of SPKK is to work in favor of women development and youth integral education, as well as to initiate and promote scientific, educational and cultural activities.
The Association’s further aim is to foster charitable activity, social assistance, spirit of service, and the development of family traditions and their contribution to society. The Association achieves its goals mainly by running cultural and scientific training centers and by collaborating with similar profile associations. Simultaneously, as a non-governmental organization, it promotes and implements programs which help girls and young professional women to discover their role in society by understanding their social, economic and cultural responsibility. While accomplishing its goals, helping women to discover and develop their skills, aspirations and dreams, the Association wants to have positively impact on their way of life.
The Association has several paid employees and numerous volunteers involved in specific activities.
+48 257.523.801
Boża Wola 15
05-332 Siennica
Fundación del Valle is a non-profit Independent Body, classified by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs as mixed private charitable Foundation under the Ministerial Order of April 25, 1988 with registration number 28/0855.
The mission of Fundación del Valle is the realization of social initiatives aimed at the training and education of youth, the promotion of volunteering and the execution of development cooperation programs.
At local and national level, the foundation develops an extensive program of educational, cultural and volunteering activities, aimed at young people between 13 and 30 years of age, many of them with fewer opportunities, with the aim of promoting human and cultural integrity of the person and favour their personal and professional development.
These activities are carried out in educational centres, youth associations and social assistance entities of the Community of Madrid with which the Foundation collaborates.
At international level, Fundación del Valle carries out mobility and training projects for young people and workers of youth organizations, from different countries of the European Union, with the aim of promoting permanent learning as well as educational and employment opportunities offered by the Union, encouraging the exchange of internships and experience and validating the knowledge acquired.
In the area of Cooperation for Development, the Foundation carries out projects for the construction of educational centres, teacher training, professional training, as well as literacy and socioeconomic insertion of women programs. All of them carried out in Lathan America, Ecuador, Africa and Asia.
The team of the Fundación del Valle consist of 11 paid-people and 68 volunteer people.
+34 91 3579514
c/San Justo, 1, 1º A
28005 Madrid
PRODES is a non-profit, apolitical and non-confessional Lebanese Association founded in 1998 with a mission to provide continuous training for women and youth in order to promote active, positive and responsible participation of citizens in Lebanese society. The association works in all the national territory with all type of people no matter their social, religious or political backgrounds.
Recognized and registered in the Lebanese Ministry of Interior (Notification Num. 41/ad. 06/04/1999).
The mission of PRODES is to promote the role of Lebanese women so that they become active agents in family, professional and social environments. This is achieved with continuous training and orientation programs aimed at women of all ages and backgrounds. Its vision is the emergence of a culture of peace in Lebanon that extends to the Middle East promoting civic values of respect and justice in each individual, within the family and society.
Its values are:
- Centrality of the person and the family: Attention to the progression of the individual and of the family nucleus where the values of society are educated.
- Multiculturalism: The activities are open to all kind of people regardless of their social, confessional or cultural dimension.
- Focus on long-term development: Based on building values that generate peace and social justice.
The team of the entity consist of 8 paid-people and 13 volunteer people.
+96 11203052
Achrafieh, Saint Nicolas, Selim Abdel Hadi Street, Azar Building, 1 Floor
transnational meetings
Cooperation and communication between the partners and other stakeholders will be supported by several management tools:
- A common workspace with an interactive cloud for all documents of the project: Dropbox server.
- Steering Group: Sessions of work via Skype or video conferencing for proper monitoring of the project.
Three transnational meetings, one in each participating country, are planned:
1) The first one in Spain (FDV):
- Date: December 2019 (preparation phase).
- Objective: Global project planning and design of the digital platform.
2) The second one in Poland (SPKK):
- Date: Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, finally held virtually on the internet, November 2020 (execution phase).
- Objective: Debate on the results achieved in the analysis and research activities, and exchange of experience on the programs established in the project for the development of improved methodologies that address the needs of young people, many of them with fewer opportunities, with respect to their training and empowerment as promoters of social change.
3) The third and last one in Lebanon (PRODES):
- Date: July 2021 (evaluation and dissemination phase).
- Objective: To work on the overall evaluation of the project and the plan for disseminating the results achieved.
In all three cases, part of the sessions will be assigned to management and project administration issues.
Location: Spain
Date: December 2019
Virtual meeting
Date: November 2020
Virtual meeting
Date: July 2021
analysis and research activities
Objective: to improve the preparation of workers to be able to develop effective programs that address challenges such as inclusion, social participation and diversity and the needs of the most vulnerable young people.
Involved workers of the three participating entities.
The workers of each participating entity will analyse the causes, consequences and possible solutions for the following issues, at local, national and European level:
- Inclusion
- Diversity
- Social participation
- Crisis of values
- Employability
The results of this research are discussed in the second transnational meeting of the project.
practical exchange activities
Objective: To develop the skills of young workers in order to improve the quality of their work through the exchange of knowledge and experience.
Methodology: intercultural dialogue.
Participation: 24 workers.
Each entity will develop the programs established in the project, based on their own responsibility in it.
activities by partner
SPKK: (Poland) – Busola Program
- Objective: To promote the professional training of young people and promote the employability of women.
- Methodology: intergenerational learning and mentoring.
- Beneficiaries: 30 women, many of them with economic obstacles.
- Activities:
- Professional Guidance
- Objective: Promote knowledge of the business world.
- Monthly group mentoring sessions on intersectoral cooperation, entrepreneurship, business, vocational training, higher education and non-formal education.
- Labor orientation
- Objective: to provide young people with an individualized orientation in the search for employment.
- Quarterly sessions of individual mentoring to identify the profile of the young person in the search for effective employment.
- Development of competencies
- Objective: Develop the competencies demanded by the current labor market.
- Weekly workshops: in soft skills, digital and linguistic competences.
- Professional Guidance
January 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
February 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
March 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
April to August 2020 Activity: Temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
September 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
October 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
November 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
December 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
January 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
February 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
March 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
April 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
May 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
FDV (Spain) – Educating in Values Program
- Objective: to promote the social, civic and educational values that young people need to enhance their active participation in society.
- Methodology: personalized attention, playful, cultural and participatory.
- Beneficiaries: 20 young people with educational, social and cultural deficiencies.
- Activities:
- Reinforcement to the study
- Objective: prevent school dropouts and encourage lifelong learning.
- Weekly workshops, school support.
- Monthly workshops, self-esteem and motivation.
- Leisure activities and free time
- Objective: to promote healthy behaviors.
- Weekly activities: cultural and sports.
- Critical thinking workshops
- Objective: develop the capacity for analysis and argumentation and strengthen the criteria and opinion.
- Monthly debates and colloquia on current issues.
- Volunteering
- Objective: to sensitize young people to the social reality and promote values such as tolerance, respect and solidarity.
- Monthly volunteering, with migrants and refugees in a soup kitchen and in collaboration with the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid.
- Reinforcement to the study
January 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
February 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
March 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
April to August 2020 Activity: Temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
September 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
October 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
November 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
December 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
January 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
February 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
March 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
April 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
May 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
PRODES (Lebanon) – LEAD Program (Leadership, Environment, Awareness, Development)
- Objective: to promote and enhance the active participation of young people, especially the most vulnerable, in society.
- Methodology: Intercultural and coaching.
- Beneficiaries: 25 women in situations of vulnerability due to social and cultural obstacles.
- Activities:
- Leadership Program
- Objective: to enhance the leadership capacity of women as a catalyst for society.
- Monthly coaching sessions on responsible leadership.
- Environment Program
- Objective: To promote conciliation, care of the home and nature.
- Monthly Home-management workshops.
- Quarterly reflection dynamics on Emotional Intelligence.
- Quarterly work camps in rural areas.
- Eco quarterly, nature care and recycling workshops.
- Awaraness Program
- Debates and quarterly conferences on ethics and citizenship.
- Objective: To promote social awareness and citizen participation of women.
- Quarterly debates and conferences on issues of social impact, ethics and citizenship.
- Environment program
- Objective: To promote the personal development of women as active in the family and social environment.
- “Personal Project” workshops: monthly coaching sessions on life project, value promotion and conflict resolution.
- Leadership Program
January 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
February 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
March 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
April to August 2020 Activity: Temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
September 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
October 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
November 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
December 2020 Activity: Download pdf.
January 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
February 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
March 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
April 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
May 2021 Activity: Download pdf.
training activity
Date: The training activity was to take place in Spain, in April 2020. Due to the pandemic situation, we could not carry out this training activity until May 2021 and in virtual format.
This was the most relevant activity of the project to promote the exchange of practices and methods among the workers of the partner entities. The methodology was intercultural dialogue and observation of the activities developed by the Spanish participants. The virtual format cut these activities considerably, and decreased the intercultural impact generated by personal treatment in the exchange of knowledge, but generated an important digital transformation of the activity.
The objective is to work on the objective of the project: to exchange practices, knowledge and experience to improve the quality of work in the field of youth and address a need that affects the world, as is the training and empowerment of young people, including young people with fewer opportunities, as agents of social change.
The methodology of the activity is digital and intercultural dialogue (confrontation of ideas, exchange of knowledge and integration of new methods).
Duration and structure: the duration of the activity was 4 days and more or less with the planned structure, dispensing with the actions impossible to perform in virtual format.
Wednesday 26: FDV analyzes the development of the program “Educating in values”.
Thursday 27: SPKK analyzes the development of the program “Busola”.
Friday 28: PRODES analyzes the development of the “LEAD” program.
Monday 31: Participants confront practices and exchange the most effective methods that reach their young beneficiaries. They analyze the development of the methodologies applied and the results achieved.
Result achieved: all participants have improved their international working capacity and their readiness to meet the needs of young people, including young people with fewer opportunities.