We took part in the Impact Forum meeting with Sir Ronald Cohen


On June 12, Foro Impacto and the Spanish Association of Foundations organized a meeting with Sir Ronald Cohen (President of the Global Steering Group of Impact Investment), intended for presidents and general directors of Foundations, to which Fundación del Valle, represented by Elisabet López Torrents, General Director, had the honor of attending.

On the left, María Herrero, Director of Institutional Relations at Foro Impacto with José Luis Ruiz de Munain, founder and Director of Foro Impacto, and Sir R. Cohen.


The event took place at the Impact Hub Barceló in Madrid and consisted of a presentation by José Luis Ruiz de Munain, followed by a very interesting conference by Sir R. Cohen, who told us about his own experience as a philanthropist.

Thanks to the support of Foro Impacto and its three founders, UnLtd Spain, Open Value Foundation and Eurocapital Wealth Management EAFI, Spain joins the Global Steering Group, the main platform that promotes impact investment:

“Impact investment as a new form of philanthropy.”

The main goal of the GSG is to promote a real and measurable impact of the investment, aimed at social and environmental purposes. Impact investment benefits people and the planet by offering cost-effective solutions to social and environmental problems, such as pollution in cities or inequality in the educational offer.

This objective can be achieved through the agreement of the leaders of the financial, business and philanthropy sectors.

According to Foro Impacto, it is necessary to create a common thread that unites all these actors in order to boost the impact investment in Spain, which encompasses all the driving forces of the market, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, banks, public administrations , investment funds and third sector entities.

The Spanish investment represents 90 million euros through 115 investment funds.

In the above image appear José Luis Ruiz de Munain of Foro Impacto on the left, Sir Ronald Cohen in the center and Javier Nadal, President of AEF, on the right.


We hope that we all keep united in this interesting Forum and follow the same guidelines that Portugal followed in its day.

We also want to share with you this news that has just come out of Acumen Foundation regarding the model that has been created to measure the impact: https://acumen.org/blog/acumen-launches-60-decibels/


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